Monday, October 27, 2008

The Thrifty Gene Theory

This theory was proposed by J.A.Neel in 1962. It suggested the reason as to why Indians suffered from a dispeoportionate high rate of Type-2 diabetes.According to him , Indians lived a hunter
gatherer existence for centuries.For their survival, they developed a gene which allowed them to
survive the cycles of feast and famine.Their metabolism was adequate in itself in both these conditions, it utilised the calories efficiently.

With an unsatable food supply, their survival was better as they could somehow store surplus energy
(in the form of fat) during the time of feast.This fat was probably stored as abdominal fat and utilised during famines.

Exposing this gene to abundance of food continuously in the present environment in all likelihood is
proving to be detrimental.
* In type-1 diabetes, the body loses the ability to make insulin, as the immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells.

* When insulin is notavailable, the glucose remains in the bloodstream and cannot be used as energy.

* A person having Type-1 diabetes has to take insulin injections to stay alive.

@ Virus Infections

@ Cold Weather

Theories on the Development of Type 1 Diabetes

Genetic Predisposition :-Genetic predisposition determines entirely whether a person will develop
immune reactivity against insulin producing beta-cells in the pancreas. However environmental factors
and infections can have major impact on whether type-1 Diabetes will manifwst itself clinically.This
occurs after 80-90% of the beta-cells have been destroyed. The remnants of beta-cells are transported to the pancreatic draining lymph node (PDLN), where the ensuing auto immune is thought
to be coordinated. Debris from the beta-cells is picked up by Antigen-Presenting Cells (APC) and
displayed to immune cells called lymphocytes(L) promting them either to kill beta-cells or to signal
further immune responses.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

There are several type of islet cells including alpha cells and beta cells.Insulin is produced by beta
cells. On increase of sugar in the blood, these cells manufacture insulin and then release into the
blood stream.The roll of these cell is to monitor levels of blood sugar. In people with Type-1
diabetes, beta cells are attacked by the immune system and are destroyed slowly. What exactly
causes the immune system to get affected is still based on a number of theories. The unfortunate
part is that, though this slow destruction takes place over a number of years (5-7), the symptoms
of diabetes mellitus do not surface until about 80% of these beta cells are destroyed. Eventually,
insulin production comes to a halt as no beta cells remain.



Type 1 diabetes is a severe form of disease. It is an auto-immune disease, which mostly develops
in childhood or in adults under 30 years of age. (Auto-immune is where the body's immune system
starts destroying itself)
'Juvenile diabetes' develops in childhood and must be treated with insulin.It accounts for 5-10% of
diabetics in the world.
Inside the pancreas are cell clusters knowns as the islets of langerhans.


The more times your answer "Yes" to the undermention questionire , the greater you are at the risk
of developing diabetes mellitus

Friday, October 24, 2008

to enter the cells.It acts as the key, unlocking the receptors for glucose to enter the cells. The cells
then metabolise the glucose to give energy to the body.

Insulin Resistance

The pancreas makes enough insulin, butdue to certain factors, the insulin is not effective in transferring glucose from the blood into the cells of the body.Such a disorder is reffed to as insulin

Factors involved can be;
* The number of receptors on each cell becomes lower than normal.
* Insulin is not able to attach itself to the receptor.
* Insulin produced may be defective.
* With the passage of time, the capacity of the pancreas to produce insulin declines.

Understand Diabees Mellitus

What is Diabetes ?

Diabetes Mellitus means 'honey sweet'. Diabetes occurs due to the inability of the body to convert
food into energy. It is a condition where we have high blood sugar (glucose) levels in our body.
It is a chronic disease, which can be managed well through proper guidence.

The Insulin Factor

Normally our body converts the food we eat into sugar or glucose, which is used for the production
of energy. This is done by the pancreas, an organ lying near the stomach.The pancreas makes a
hormone called insulin, which attaches itself to the receptor on the cell wall,thereby allowing glucose.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Diabetes or high blood-sugar is a disease that occurs if there is disorder in certain body functions that utilise carbohydrates,fat and proteins in the food to produce energy.Lack of hormone called insulin or inadequate production of insulin by the pancreas result in this disease.Insulin regulates the amount of sugar in the blood.An imbalance in the amount of insulin produced can lead to the onset of
diabetes mellitus